Textiles Exhibit Submission Form Complete the following form to submit your artwork for the Textiles Exhibit at the Jansen Art Center. Before you begin, you will want to make sure you have the following: Artist Statement: Artist statements are posted near your artwork. You can include information about yourself as an artist and/or about the work you are submitting for this exhibit. (200 words or less) Artwork Label Information: For each work you submit, you will be asked for the title, dimensions, medium and retail price. This information is used for creating labels for your work and must be accurate. Images: Please provide clear, well cropped images of your work. We choose from these for our exhibit posters and online marketing.Name* First Last Billing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Website Facebook Instagram Artist StatementPlease Note: Information provided on your submission form will be used for exhibit labeling and marketing purposes. Please be accurate in your artist statement, artwork titles, sizes and prices. (Artist statement 200 words or less.)Image PermissionI agree that the Jansen Art Center has my permission to use images of my accepted artwork for marketing purposes (exhibit poster, website, press releases, social media platforms, etc.) Yes No Artwork Submission 1Image - Piece #1*Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 128 MB.Title* Media* Dimensions*Artwork Dimensions Price*The Artist will receive a commission split of 60% of the retail price and the Jansen Art Center will receive 40%. The artist determines the retail price. All prices should be in US Dollars. Enter NFS if artwork will not be offered for sale. Artwork Submission 2Image - Piece #2Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 128 MB.Title Media DimensionsArtwork Dimensions PriceThe Artist will receive a commission split of 60% of the retail price and the Jansen Art Center will receive 40%. The artist determines the retail price. All prices should be in US Dollars. Enter NFS if artwork will not be offered for sale. Artwork Submission 3Image #3Max. file size: 128 MB.Title Media DimensionsArtwork Dimensions PriceThe Artist will receive a commission split of 60% of the retail price and the Jansen Art Center will receive 40%. The artist determines the retail price. All prices should be in US Dollars. Enter NFS if artwork will not be offered for sale. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions* I have read and accept the above terms and conditions. SUBMISSIONS AND CONSIGNMENT: There is no charge to submit. Specific groupings of work and arrangement of the exhibition is decided by the curatorial staff. Please provide accurate images and details for all works. Accepted artwork submitted with pricing information will be available for purchase through the Jansen Art Center. Items marked NOT FOR SALE will be exhibited only. Sales will be divided as such: 40% Jansen Art Center, 60% Artist Compensation based on the retail price listed on this submission form. Artists may not make changes to the pricing or descriptions once this form has been submitted. The Jansen Art Center does not ship artwork. All unsold artwork must be retrieved within one month following the exhibition closing. The Jansen Art Center cannot be held responsible for the security of abandoned work. Artwork not retrieved after 1 month will be considered abandoned and become the property of the Jansen Art Center and sold or disposed of at our discretion. Δ