June 10–October 19, 2022
Nancy Canyon & Ron Pattern have both painted and drawn since grade school, having worked as visual artists in one capacity or another, since the early 80s. Ron has paintings in corporate collections such as St. Joseph’s Hospital and in private collections around the US. Nancy is a published author, with a novel, Celia’s Heaven, and a book of poetry, Saltwater. Both show locally and participate in the Whatcom Artist Studio Tour the first two weekends of October each year.
www.nancycanyon.com and [email protected]
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Exhibit Location:
Nancy Canyon has always loved being in nature, exploring the woods, photographing and sketching, and enjoying the great out-of-doors. Besides painting, Nancy also writes, detailing the land in her poetry, novels, and memoirs.
“My paintings reflect the natural elements I witness on walks and hikes in the mountains, along rivers, beside the pond, and in my garden. I always take a journal along when I go to the woods to jot down ideas for sketches and poems I later bring back to the studio. Nature satisfies me in a way that nothing else compares to.” ~ Nancy Canyon
For the past forty years, Ron Pattern has felt compelled to explore life with pigment and brush. “It is how I make sense of the emotional attachment I have to my environment and the experiences of my life. I can’t imagine not painting what I see and feel.” Ron paints in acrylic on canvas and panel. He finds the medium lends itself well to bold realism, both landscapes and portraits.
“A painter needs to approach the world with childlike curiosity and sensory awareness. Then the fleeting glimpses and dramatic moments in time get recorded vividly in the mind. I go out into my local environment daily and become entranced by the drama of light and shadow, the tension of texture, line, and form. I bring this back to my studio as a primary influence for my paintings.” ~Ron Pattern
Luminous Nature Nancy Canyon & Ron Pattern
Nancy Canyon
White of Clouds
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 48
Nancy Canyon
Silver Falls Reflection
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 30
Nancy Canyon
Pond Lily
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 20
Nancy Canyon
Two Lillies
Acrylic on Canvas
10 x 10
Nancy Canyon
Purple Bloom
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 48
Nancy Canyon
Alders on Padden Creek
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24
Ron Pattern
Madrona Waves
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 48
Ron Pattern
Ground Cover
Acrylic on Panel
28 x 48
Ron Pattern
Roots & Rocks
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16
Ron Pattern
Galbraith Ravens
Watercolor on Aquaboard
12 x 16
Ron Pattern
After the Storm
Acrylic on Panel
8 x 12
Ron Pattern
Eagle Tree
Graphite on Panel
12 x 18