Work that expresses a culmination of thoughts and inner conversations about the iterative nature of changing reality
Yvette Nuemann is a Northwest painter, specializing in abstract and contemporary art. She works primarily in oil, acrylic and inks, and is best known for her large expressive colorworks. In 2007, desiring a more mindul, simplifies life, Yvette left a thirving business career to focus more seriously on honing her painting craft. What followed was a concerntrated period of interdisciplinary study and experimentation in a variety of art forms; glass, woodworking, weaving, sculpture, pottery, and indigenous arts and crafts. Her painting style and ‘technique toolkit’ are the result of aesthetic insights, cross-pollination, and the gradual loosening of rules across training conventions in both the arts and sciences.
Painting is a dialoque for me, rather than a rigid study of subjects. The constant attention volley between theory and praxis coalesce into something that’s so much more than a random accumulation of brushstrokes.
– Yvette Neumann
Current Work in the J Shop
Yvette is the owner/operator of Yvette Neumann Fine Art LLC and Heartful Retreats, an Artist Retreat Bed & Breakfast in Anacortes, WA, specializing in breathing room for creative souls. At Heartful Retreats, she teaches painting workshops, and with her hisband Derek, they offer art-based local adventures and opportunies for respite and relaxation.
By foregoing realistic and figurative refereneces found in traditional styles of art, I’m able to employ a visual language largely unburdened by qualification and the need to defend any one experience of reality… My goal is to describe reality in terms of sensory qualities rather than their physical properties, so that I may entice the viewer to engage with life’s dissonant qualities in a space that’s free of judgement.
– Yvette Nuemann
See more of her work on her website