Greetings WAST 2024 Artists!
Please submit your pieces for the Whatcom Artists Studio Tour Exhibit at the J using the form below.
Artists are able to submit up to four pieces at a time. If you would like to submit more than four, please make an additional submission. Artists Statements are a 200 word description of yourself or your artwork.
Important Dates for WAST @ the J:
- Artwork Info, Images, & Artists Statements due: May 31st
- Artwork Drop Off: June 22nd 11am – 5pm
- Hanging: June 24th TBD
- Volunteer Walkabout: July 10th 2pm – 4pm (This is a voluntary event that artists can attend. It is a casual tour of the J for our volunteers so that they may familiarize themselves with the pieces before the Opening. Might help make more sales!)
- Opening Event: July 11th 6pm – 8pm
- Pickup: September 28th 11am – 5pm
Artist Consignment Agreement:
By submitting my work, I have read agree to the following terms:
The Jansen Art Center reserves the right to hang and display all consigned art on our walls and in our virtual galleries.
All art will be for sale unless noted otherwise. The artist determines the retail price, which cannot be changed after signing this agreement.
Occasionally there are reasons that the purchaser requests to take the artwork prior to the end of the exhibit. Staff have the permission to use their discretion in these circumstances.
The artist will receive a commission split of 60% of the retail price and the Jansen Art Center will receive 40%. The Jansen Art Center will collect and pay 100% of the sales tax based on the selling price.
Upon the sale of art, payment will be mailed by the 15th of the following month.
The Jansen Art Center does not ship artwork. Artists are responsible for picking up their work or arranging for return shipment.
The Jansen Art Center assumes full responsibility of work lost, stolen, or damaged while in our possession from the date of delivery to the art center through 30 days following the exhibit closing upon which time the Artist Consignment Agreement expires.
Requests for items to be left longer than this time must be approved by a Jansen Art Center staff member. Work left unclaimed after 30 days becomes the property of the Jansen Art Center. The Jansen Art Center will not pay for missing items after the Consignment Agreement has expired.
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