
Susan Kramer-Pope

Painting & Fine Arts Instructor
Susan has been practicing the art of full presence and clear listening for over 30 years. She’s passionately curious about how our internal landscape and its outward expression assist our soul’s creative expression. In 2008, painting became a central focus in her life. A powerful image appeared in her mind’s eye. It demanded to be painted. No technique, no rules! She continues to this day to be captivated by the ever-present creative stream that runs through us all. She has extensive facilitation training & experience and has no formal art training. She prefers it that way! Just the ongoing practice of listening to the intuitive voice, moving the critical/analytical voices aside, and developing trust in the unknown to lead the brush. She finds an aliveness and freedom in painting this way. It returns her to ‘the innocence’ where the inner critic is quiet and childlike joy returns. The mystery and wonder each painting bring keeps her painting. She is called to assist all who want to awaken the vibrant creative within, no matter the results. Wonder is the juice of life, and life is creativity in motion. If you are alive, you are a creative!

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