Expired Wool Immersion Dyeing Open Studio – 2/12

1-Day Open Studio with Sheri Ward
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Here’s your chance to custom dye wool yarn! We’ll be doing immersion or dip dyeing of wool in acid dyes.
Bring your own yarn or wool fiber to dye, in an amount no more than one pound total. If you’re bringing yarn, make it into skeins of ¼ pound or so. Skeins should be tied with figure 8’s in four places around the skein so we avoid tangles. If you’re bringing un-spun fiber, bring a lingerie bag or something similar to contain the fiber.
Make a note of the dry weight of your wool, and then wash it the evening before, in some gentle cleaner such as Syntrapol. Rinse it out after washing, and bring it damp. You don’t need a mordant, and we’ll add some vinegar to the dye bath which will help fix the color.
Dyes and other supplies will be provided. Wear old clothes, so you won’t mind if you get a little dye on yourself.
Tying Figure 8’s in a Skein
Skeins of yarn can get tangled. If you plan to dye them, the chance of tangling increases, and can make your project frustrating. Stirring yarn in a dye pot, even gently, can lead to a tangled skein.
A remedy: at four places around the skein, using some scrap yarn, tie a figure 8 around the yarn. Make the ties secure, but loose around the skein so dye can get in under the ties.
When you undo a skein to use it, stretch it between your hands and give it a gentle outward tug so that the yarns straighten out. Then put it on a swift to to wind it into balls of yarn or use the yarn directly from the swift.
(Paid to the instructor on the 1st day of class)
Adults 16+
Some previous dyeing experience
Tuesday, February 13, 12:00pm
Prepared yarn or wool fiber to dye.
Day 1
February 12, 2025
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Venue: Alley Workshop
The Alley Workshop at the Jansen Art Center is located in the SW corner of the lower floor: