Expired Whatcom Artist Studio Tour: Come See Where Creativity Begins

September 3 – January 6, 2021
TOUR DATES: First two weeks of October you can visit artists studio by appointment only.
The Whatcom Artist Studio Tour is celebrating 26 years with an amazing group of 30 artists working in studios throughout Bellingham and Whatcom County. This exhibit at the Jansen Art Center showcases artwork from many of the artists participating in the 2020 virtual studio tour, our virtual tour will be available for viewing on our website through the end of the year.
Visit the Jansen Art Center to preview the work of the artists on tour and make your appointment to visit the studios of your favorite artists.
Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the artists and get a glimpse into their creative process. Many of the artists will offer demonstrations of the tools and process they use to create!
Artist information and the 2020 Whatcom Artist Virtual Studio Tour are online: www.studiotour.net
Artwork can be purchased through our Gallery Shop and will be available for pickup when the exhibit closes. Please email [email protected] or call 360-354-3600 for more information.
Please note, the Jansen Art Center does not ship artwork.
September 3, 2020 - December 14, 2020
11:00 am - 4:30 pm
Venue: Virtual
Tag:current exhibit