Upcoming Warp iKat 101 – Indigo

1-Day Workshop with Carol Berry
Thursday, April 17, 2025
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Learn the basics of warp Ikat (tied and dyed resist) in a fun and lively hands-on one-day workshop and take home a classic white and indigo cotton warp to weave at home. The instructor will demonstrate and lead students through the five basic steps of planning and executing a simple Ikat resist warp. Each student will wrap and tie resist sections on a pre-measured warp using Japanese ikat tape and dye the warp in an organic indigo vat. Take home a resist-dyed blue and white warp to weave at home on the loom of your choice.
Methods for shifting warps on the loom to create patterns after dying will be demonstrated. Completed warps will be suitable for weaving on a floor loom, table loom, or rigid heddle loom. A variety of woven samples will be available to examine.
*Those with memeberships expiring on or before 1/2/26 can continue to use their code at checkout.
(paid to instructor during class)
Adults 16+
Basic weaving skills including ability to warp a loom on your own, good hand strength, ability to sit or stand while wrapping and tying.
Tuesday, April 15th, 12:00 PM
Please bring scissors, 1 or 2 Large towels that you don’t mind getting dye on, Waterproof gloves, Large zip-lock bag for taking your damp warp home, and Lunch or snack.
Warp iKat 101 - Indigo
April 17, 2025
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Venue: Alley Workshop
The Alley Workshop at the Jansen Art Center is located in the SW corner of the lower floor: