Upcoming Curious about Curios, Making Gaffs: Feathers and Fur

1-Day Class with Angela Boyle
Saturday, May 24, 2025
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Cabinets of curiosity have a long-standing tradition, ranging from a single bottle to an entire room. And as long as humans have been curious, we have been making gaffs, fake curiosities (often passed off as real). In each of these three classes, we will fill as many jars as we can (one and maybe two at least) with different fake curios. We will also discuss display of our curios and talk the history of curios as desired by the class. You can sign up for each date individually; they are all stand-alone classes, but you will learn different techniques in each class. In this class, you will build a feather and fur themed gaff.
**Those who purchased a membership on or before January 2, 2025, may still use their membership code until the membership expires.
Teens and Adults (13+)
Friday, May 23, 12:00pm
Please bring a small wide mouth jar of your choosing. Example: https://www.michaels.com/product/mini-glass-round-jar-with-latch-by-ashland-10226380
The Topic of this class will be Feathers and Fur. Please bring: various colorful papers of various thicknesses(or $5 for a small pack in class), thin wire as for jewelry (or $3 for 3 feet in class), wire cutters (some will be on hand if you don’t have them), sharp scissors, various yarns and threads (or $5 for a small pack in class), cold silicon glue or Elmer’s glue (or $5 for some in class)
Day 1
May 24, 2025
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Alley Workshop
The Alley Workshop at the Jansen Art Center is located in the SW corner of the lower floor: