Sold Out Access Your Creativity with First Impulse Painting!
3-Session Class with Susan Kramer-Pope
Saturdays, February 8, March 1, and March 22, 2025
11:30 am – 2:30 pm
No Art Experience Needed! Dare to meet your colorful creative within. Learn to trust your hunches. Allow them to guide you with color and brush to open your intuitive channel! This is an opportunity to give yourself permission to paint without having to meet others’ approval or your own expectations. Maybe even discover your ‘wild child’! Welcome to the journey to free your raw, creative Self. Let your curiosity roam freely. Allow your imagination to explode with vibrant colors, unburdened by the comments and feedback of others. This is a safe expressive container in which we honor each other’s creativity without peer commentary on our paintings.
Before you even pick up the brush, I will guide you to slow down and place your awareness on the sources of creative potential present within… on your senses and sensations in the present moment. Notice what colors are ‘knocking on the door’ of your present moment experience. Will you ‘go’ with them, or will the reasoning mind jump in to veto that first impulse? Will you let the brush be the leader, with you as follower? What would it be like to ‘live outside the box’ of what images ‘should look like’?
As your facilitator, I offer guidance in your process whenever you get stuck, but not in the execution of your painted expression. This is NOT a technical skills development class, nor is it product/results oriented. Yes, these desires may arise, but I will guide you to use them as prompts to steer you deeper into your innate creative stream!
**Those who purchased a membership on or before January 2, 2025, may still use their membership code until the membership expires.
(Paid to the instructor on the 1st day of class)
Adults 18+
Friday, February 7, 12:00pm
Week 2
March 1, 2025
11:30 am - 2:30 pm -
Week 3
March 22, 2025
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Venue: Fine Art & Painting Studio
The Fine Art & Painting Studio at the Jansen Art Center is located at the SE corner of the 2nd Floor: