Current Protocols
Masks are not required, but recommended.
We encourage you to practice social distancing when possible and masks will still be available if you choose to wear one.
Update 3/25/2022
Dear J Community,
As COVID-19 cases decrease in Whatcom County, we continue to monitor the safety recommendations put forth by Washington State and our local health departments. We will adjust our protocols as public health allows.
Masks are not required but recommended. Visitors, staff, instructors, and volunteers are welcome to wear masks, and we will still have masks available at the front desk and in all studios. We encourage all visitors to continue to practice social distancing and allow for space between you and others.
We are committed to keeping you informed of updates and, most importantly, safe. We truly appreciate your patience and your support during this challenging time.
The J Staff
Update 8/31/2021
Dear J Community,
As policies around the state have changed, we have updated our protocols for live performances to keep everyone safe while having a good time.
- All performers will be wearing masks.
- Musicians who must remove their masks to sing or play an instrument are required to submit a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of performing.
- Masks are required for all attendees and staff.
- Performances will be at reduced capacity.
- Social distancing is encouraged.
- Concessions are currently closed. Beer and wine will not be available for performances.
We are continuing to monitor safety protocols, including consulting with our local health department, regional arts organizations, and the CDC. We will be transparent and timely with any updates to changes to our safety protocols at the J. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.
The J Staff
Update 8/19/2021
Dear J Community,
It was announced yesterday by Governor Inslee that, effective Monday 8/23, masks will be required in all indoor spaces statewide. The J will continue our protocols as previously stated and continue to provide the most up to date information available to us. We look forward to seeing you at the Jansen Art Center.
The J Staff
Update 8/9/2021
Dear J Community,
Thank you to everyone who has visited us to enjoy our exhibits, create in our open studios, and to all who have registered for a classes here at the Jansen Art Center. We are pleased to have the opportunity to connect with you in our first full course catalog in over a year!
Today we are sharing an important update:
Following the recommendations of the Whatcom Health Department, beginning August 10, we will require masks for all staff, students and visitors in our public and studio spaces.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of all who enter our building has been our priority. The arts are essential to our lives, and our commitment is, and has always been, to engage the community with the arts in the safest way possible. We continue to closely watch the recommendations our local health department and regularly consult with regional art organizations. As always, we will update you with any changes.
We appreciate your continued support through these uncertain times, and look forward to seeing you at the J!
The J Staff
Update 6/30/2021
Greetings J community,
We want to start by thanking you for your support and cooperation over the past 15 months. Like many organizations, the J staff and board has navigated the changing tides of COVID-19, adjusting our protocols and practices along the way to always keep our community’s health and safety our top priority.
As vaccination numbers climb and Washington State moves into the new phase of reopening, we wanted to inform you of our updates:
Expanded Opening Hours: Starting June 30, the Jansen Art Center will be open from Tuesday through Saturday from 12:00 to 5:00pm. Our admission remains free to the public to come to the J and browse our group exhibits and solo shows along with the stellar views from every window in our beautiful, breezy building.
Safety Protocols: For vaccinated individuals, masks are optional. For unvaccinated folks, masks are required to be properly worn in all parts of the J. For children’s programs, all students and instructors will be required to wear masks. Room capacities have been lifted, and social distancing is no longer required.
Thank you for working with us to keep our space safe and welcoming for all.
The J Staff
Update 5/15/2021
Hello friends,
The announcement this week from the CDC and Washington State regarding vaccinations and mask-wearing is encouraging news that we are grateful to hear! As the CDC confirmed, everything changes when the group you’re gathering with is vaccinated.
However, we need some time to decide how these changes affect our policies and practices at the J and to allow our staff and instructors to get fully vaccinated.
For the time being, we ask that you continue to wear a mask while inside the J.
This is all good news for sure — for you, the J, and our community. We appreciate your patience in giving us time to evaluate our protocols that impact our safety. We’re working closely with organizations like ours and monitoring advice from officials closely. As we make adjustments to the Jansen Art Center’s COVID protocols and capacities, we’ll let you know promptly through all of our channels.
Thank you for working with us to keep our space safe and welcoming for all.
The J Staff
Update 3/18/2021
Dear J community,
We are so excited to welcome you back to our space. Today we open the doors to the public for the first time since November and we’re just thrilled about it. With three new exhibits for you to enjoy, a freshly merchandised Gallery Shop to browse, and a selection of pieces from our ceramics studio seconds, there is a lot to see at the J this weekend.We also want to thank you in advance for adhering to our safety protocols and continuing to wear your mask, observe social distancing guidelines and use our sanitation stations. To us, all of these actions are signs of respect for each other, our staff and our building, so thank you for your cooperation. Please continue to take care of yourselves, take care of each other, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the J!
In health and happiness,
The Jansen Art Center Team
Hours of Operation:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
12:00 – 4:30pm
Interested in visiting the Gallery Shop but would rather avoid public opening hours? No problem!
Private shopping times are still available. Email us to set up a time that works for you.
Update 2/27/2021
Hello friends,
We are excited to announce that the J will be reopening to the public on Thursday, March 11! Our temporary hours of operation will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 12:00-4:30pm.
From the beginning of COVID-19, safety has been our number one concern and will continue to be at the forefront of our policies as we re-open. Here are some of the ways we are ensuring a safe experience for your return to the J:
- Masks required for all
- Hand sanitizing stations at the entrance and throughout the building
- Social distancing required
- Capacity limits in each gallery room and public spacing
- Regular sanitization of high touch spaces
We are also concerned about reopening, then being required to close again, disrupting the lives of our supporters, artists, volunteers, and staff. The state evaluates the current status every two weeks and updates the guidelines accordingly. We are aware of this and will continue to plan ahead, cautiously.
Open Studio Time – Our Textiles, Ceramics, Jewelry and Strings open studios began welcoming back their communities this week.
Studio Programming – We will be launching in-person one and two day workshops as our second phase of studio activities. Multi-week classes will return in the final phase.
While we are excited to return to live performances, unfortunately with the guidelines of a maximum capacity of 25%, it is not cost effective for our venue and artists, especially with increased staff needs and operational expenses. Live performances will return, but in the meantime please enjoy our virtual offerings!
Gallery Shop
Starting 2/26, the Gallery Shop will begin taking reservations for private shopping times until 3/11. All items in the shop are from local artists. Purchasing art in our shop not only supports the J, it also helps carry out our mission by supporting local artists.
The Firehall Café will remain closed for the time being.
Update 11/17/2020
In light of the most recent directives issued by the Governor’s office to continue to limit the spread of COVID-19, and because the health and safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors is always our highest priority, we have made the difficult decision to again temporarily close the Jansen Art Center until further notice.
During this time you can stay connected to the J and engage in local art by viewing all current exhibits in the online galleries on our website, participating in Kids Do Art! creative challenges, and watching virtual performances like the young artist concert series Sunday @ 3. We also encourage you to keep sending us photos of your made-at-home creations so that we can continue to share them and spread creativity.
We look forward to the day when we can open again and welcome you back to the J in person. Closing our doors for the second time this year, after only recently reopening, continues to impact the Jansen Art Center. If you value the ways the J connects art to your life, please consider making a donation, joining as a member, or renewing your membership. Thank you for your support.
Wellness Protocols
The Jansen Art Center works to provide a safe and healthy environment for all its visitors. That’s why the J enforces our “Wellness Protocols” among guests, staff, instructors and volunteers. All participants must observe the qualifications below regarding visiting the J, or attending a class or open studio session. The J makes every effort to keep staff, instructors and guests safe, and that requires everyone’s cooperation and accountability.
As a general rule, if you or your child has a fever or is too sick to attend work or school, you are too sick to visit the Jansen Art Center. Under the discretion of the J, visitors who appear sick may be asked to leave for the health and safety of others.
The following guidelines are more specific and we request that visitors with these symptoms not visit the J:
- Fever
- Flu symptoms (headache, high fever, chills, lethargy, muscle aches, cough, sore throat)
- Upper Respiratory Infections (nasal congestion, runny nose, scratchy throat, painful swallowing, cough watery eyes – with or without fever)
- Cold symptoms (a sneezy and runny cold)
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Conjunctivitis or “pink eye” infection
- Lice
- Strep Throat (must be on antibiotics for 48 hours before coming to the J.)
- Any of the following contagious diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, roseola, and chicken pox. Children with chicken pox may not come until all of the sores are crusted and there are no new eruptions.
All Persons will be Expected to Stay Home if:
- You have had a fever within 24 hours or any other symptoms of Covid-19.
- Have been tested for Covid-19 within the last 24 hours even if your test was negative.
- You have knowledge of a possible exposure to anyone who has been tested positive with Covid-19. If you are considered a close contact of someone who is suspected to have Covid-19 and you are required to quarantine, according to local health department guidelines.
- You are suspected to have Covid-19 or have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and have not finished your quarantine according to local health department guidelines.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.
How does COVID-19 spread?
People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. (Source: World Health Organization)
Protecting Yourself and Others
- Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth. Masks only covering the chin, or face shields are not allowed.
- Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub if washing hands is not an option.
- Maintain at least 6 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene.
- Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
Update 09/10/2020
Hello Friends,
We are excited to announce that the J is now able to open, following the phase 2 museum and gallery guidelines! This means the J can allow visitors to enter the building at 25% of our typical max capacity
Our Operating Hours will be as follows:
Thursdays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
Fridays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
Saturdays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
In order to be allowed entry, visitors must follow all of our house rules.
While visitors can walk around and view our new exhibits, studio spaces will not be accessible by the public. We will continue to run studios under the phase 2 social guidelines. This means studios are limited to 5 people, and participants must be preapproved and signed up in advance.
We look forward to seeing a few more faces, albeit masked, around here starting September 10th! We will be taking every precaution to keep our staff and the public safe. Our current plan focuses on taking these “baby steps” so we will be able to open safely and fully in the future!
Thank you for your continued support!
The J Team
Update 03/12/2020
Hello Friends,
We are excited to announce that the J is now able to open, following the phase 2 museum and gallery guidelines! This means the J can allow visitors to enter the building at 25% of our typical max capacity
Our Operating Hours will be as follows:
Thursdays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
Fridays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
Saturdays 12 pm – 4:30 pm
In order to be allowed entry, visitors must follow all of our house rules.
While visitors can walk around and view our new exhibits, studio spaces will not be accessible by the public. We will continue to run studios under the phase 2 social guidelines. This means studios are limited to 5 people, and participants must be preapproved and signed up in advance.
We look forward to seeing a few more faces, albeit masked, around here starting September 10th! We will be taking every precaution to keep our staff and the public safe. Our current plan focuses on taking these “baby steps” so we will be able to open safely and fully in the future!
Thank you for your continued support!
The J Team
Update 03/10/2020
By pursuing our mission to create opportunities for the community to engage in the arts, we always have a calendar full of upcoming events. With the current concern around the coronavirus (Covid-19), we would like to inform you about the precautions we are taking to protect everyone’s health.
We are following the recommendations from the Whatcom County Health Department, Washington State Department of Health, and Center for Disease Control (CDC). There will be hand sanitizer provided around the building and our staff is disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, handles, and handrails throughout the day. You can assist in helping prevent the spread of coronavirus by thoroughly washing your hands regularly. If you are not feeling well or considered to be at-risk, we ask that you stay home and don’t attend classes and performances to help keep others healthy. To learn more about Covid-19, at-risk groups, and how to protect yourself, the CDC has information available at
If you’re unable to attend an event, we will be offering refunds for tickets and credits for classes through the month of March. We will take this one month at a time and update this as needed. As a nonprofit, we ask that you consider helping our events continue to run for others who can attend by donating your ticket back. For a class credit, ticket refund, or ticket donation, you can contact us at [email protected] or call 360-354-3600 on Tuesday-Wednesday 11-7 PM, Thursday 11-9 PM, and Friday-Saturday 11-5 PM.
Thank you for your devotion to the arts and for helping keep a safe and clean environment. You can check back here for further updates and don’t hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.